Monday, May 18, 2009

Not Me Monday - Take 1

Love Love Love McMama over at My Charming Kids, and love her fun and honest look at motherhood and life in general. So here is my first ever post for "Not Me Monday."
1. Over the weekend, I did not think to myself - "you know self, I don't remember the last time I cried" (thinking - I don't think that has ever happened in the last 15 years), and then proceed to have a small little crying breakdown on Sunday.
2. Nor did the king and I (hehe. that makes me laugh) sing along to "I Got You Babe" on the radio, not once but twice.
3. That was not me who spent 45 minutes cleaning out the dryer vent of 15 bobby pins, 3 toothpicks, and 4 years worth of lint.
4. I know you did not see me at the walking program at work over lunch not able to touch my toes while we were stretching - nope that wasn't me.
What about you, what were you not caught doing?

1 comment:

  1. You reminded me of last year when my 13 year old graduated from 6th grade. I felt the same way. No more elementry school :( I knew the helping out in class was over. it is a differnt chapter. Now she is going into 8th grade how time flies!
