Thursday, April 30, 2009

1 post down, 99 to go

Well, our president has recently celebrated his 100th day, so what better time to start a blog? In blogdom, you have arrived when you've reached your 100th post. So, the way I see it, only 99 more to go.

I bet you are dying to know who is here, where we are and what is going on in FuYah - what adventures are we on right now? For those new to the kingdom, we are a royal family of the King, the Queen (that's me) and Princess G, the young Prince, & Princess M, and royal beast MD. We're located in a college town, which means there is lots to do, and sometimes lots of traffic. What is going on, well right now we were doing lots of home redecorating, but we've slowed down a little - another story for another day.

We managed to survive prom season with Princess G & DB (Dream Boat). Still looking forward to...graduation, the party and college visit/registration day for her, hopefully passing all classes for the Prince and the last day of elementary school for Princess M.

Frankly, I'm looking forward to Jamaica, the mission trip. But we must make it through the month of May first. I'm just being selfish for thinking ahead to Jamaica.

I've loved reading lots of "mommy blogs" but never really found one that reflects the life I live, so I'm hoping to find some people to relate to - those of us who aren't mommy anymore, but mom, and sometimes (say it with me - with Attitude) "Mother! (rolling eyes). Hope you'll come back and trek through life in the teenage years with me.

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